I would like you all to meet Jennifer McCarty owner of Bluhose Market and Cafe, I have been riding to The Cove for a couple of years now, I have been supporting the Bluhouse since I started my rides, I love the ambiance the food and most of all the friendly staff, back in the summer of last year Jen was taking out the recycling and we spoke, it was a very dark time for me as my mum was not doing well! I the verge of tears Jen sat down beside me and we talked, she shared a moment in her life that very similar as mine, her father had recently passed, we spoke and I felt a calmness about my situation, she gave me hug when I so needed one! I asked Jen about my photo’s of my journey and I was wandering about displaying them! and without a second breath she said absolutely, then on the April 9th evening she was all in to host my celebration! Such and amazing person ! So happy she has been such a huge supporter of my vision!
Thank you for all your support! Much love and please next time your in The Cove check them out!! They are truly amazing ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️